(assistance for a foreign student to travel to the United States to attend the ACA Summer Course)
This fund was established in memory of Bryan Maxwell Craven. Professor Craven was born in Wellington, New Zealand and received his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Auckland prior to joining the Crystallography Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh. He was a founding member of the American Crystallographic Association's Summer Course in Crystallography and was a major contributor to the Pittsburgh Diffraction Society as well as to the advancement of the science of Crystallography.
This award will support the travel of a foreign student to the United States to participate in the American Crystallographic Association's Summer Course. Strong preference will be given to students from New Zealand or Australia.
The award will be used to promote travel to the ACA Summer Course up to $1,500, depending on travel costs and needs. The final award winner will be decided by the PDS board in collaboration with the President of the Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand (SCANZ). Documentation describing the students travel will be requested before a final award is granted. The award will be presented to the student at the ACA Summer Course. This award will be annual or biennial depending on the financial health of the awards fund.
The 2025 ACA Summer Course will be held at Northwestern University from June 22th - 29th. The "Bryan M. Craven" Scholarship will have an application deadline on April 30th, 2025. The award will be announced in early May 2025. Please send all application documents through email to lake@iup.edu or by mail to:
Professor Charles H. Lake
Department of Chemistry c/o Bryan M. Craven Scholarship
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1001, USA
Please note that, in order to be awarded the 2025 "Bryan M. Craven" Scholarship, the applicant has to independently be accepted as a participant of the ACA Summer Course. Please visit https://acasummercourse.net to apply. Please mention in the application form that you applied for the "Bryan M. Craven" Scholarship.